I början av kalla kriget stod större delen av Sydkoreas militär under amerikanskt befäl. 1978 överfördes befälet av sydkoreanska trupper i fredstid till Sydkorea, men fortfarande är det USA som har huvudansvaret för Sydkoreas försvar. Om Nordkorea skulle anfalla kommer en amerikansk general att ta över befälet över Sydkoreas försvarsmakt och leda krigsansträngningarna. Det är dock bestämt att från 2012 kommer Sydkorea att leda sin egen militär även i krigstid – även om Sydkoreas politiker tvekar om det är klokt att göra överföringen så snart.
Lagom till 60-årsminnet av Koreakriget framkommer det nu att Vänsterpartiet har fått de rödgröna att gå med på att kräva att Sverige ska uppmana USA att lämna alla militärbaser världen över, inklusive i Korea. Vad säger Sydkoreas Stockholmsambassad om det?
Ladies and gentlemen, next year we commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Korean War. More than 37,000 young American soldiers came to defend a country they never knew and a people they never met. And so that is why the Korean War must never be a forgotten war.– Sydkoreas president Lee Myung-bak
These brave soldiers defended freedom and liberty in Korea. And following in their footsteps, today there are more than 27,500 American men and women in uniform serving in the Republic of Korea, helping us defend our freedom and ensure our security. Many of them are doing what their grandfathers and fathers did by serving in Korea. And, of course, one of them is the current U.S. force commander, General Walter Sharp.
What these and many other Americans did was to help lay the foundation for freedom and democracy to bear fruit in the republic. The United States was the stepping stone that made possible Korea's ascent into prosperity, and herein lie the strength and the foundation of our alliance. The United States and the Republic of Korea share values, and we fought together side by side to defend these values. This is what makes our alliance so resilient and enduring.
The combination of U.S. assistance and Korea's determination and hard work led to phenomenal growth in all aspects. Korea was one of the poorest countries in the world, with a per capita GDP of less than 50 U.S. dollars in the 1950s. Now Korea became a country with a per capita GDP of close to $20,000; the size of its economy near the top 10 in global terms. Korea is also now a member of the G-20 and serving as one of the chairs of the troika of all the countries that gained independence.
Our support for South Korea's defense is unequivocal, and President Obama has directed his military commanders to coordinate closely with their Korean counterparts to ensure readiness and to deter future aggression.– USA:s utrikesminister Hilary Clinton
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